September 15th, 2009
I am now a little over 7 months and a week (29 weeks) now and have been starting to finally feel like I'm getting big! It's harder to toss and turn in bed and wearing more of the same clothes over and over. It's been too dang hot to wear much anyway! I used to shun A/Cs and drafts like the devil but now they are my God-sent saving grace. Who knew a having a baby inside could heat you up like a furnace?
I can hardly believe our little one will be here in about 2 1/2 months. It still seems like a little ways away but also a very looming upcoming event. I'm excited because after daily searches for over a month on in San Diego, Orange, AND Los Angeles counties, we finally found the exact crib, dresser and hutch set by Pali we've been looking for. So tomorrow my Mom and I will be going to pick it up.....we can hopefully start putting the nursery together then.
That brings me to an update on our floors. Ok, yeah, it's been taking us WAAAAAY longer than we thought it would (like I said even a month ago), but the good news is that the floors are finished, the walls are painted, the baseboards are in, and now all we need to do is caulk the baseboards and sand/paint the door jambs and windows. It doesn't help that I can't do most of the work due to my size, difficulty of some of the tasks, and protection of my health and the baby's. But it's coming together and Gabe and I are smitten with the new look of our home so far. And I'm smitten with Gabe's handiwork!
You truly are STUNNING in your black teeny weeny two-piece bikini and THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for sharing such an AWESOMELY BEAUTIFUL image with all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!