Friday, July 23, 2010

Almost Crawling - 7 1/2 months

I am starting this blog a little late, but I will be periodically updating Elijah's growth and milestones.

Doing his bridges
For the last 7 1/2 months, I've been blissfully unaware of the fact that I've been having it pretty easy with Elijah, even when I think it's *so* hard (insert sarcasm) sometimes. And that's because I'm just beginning to realize that any free time I have while he's not napping is about to be filled with chasing after Elijah. He's now scooting along on his belly, doing bridges, and mastering the art of climbing the step-up (our living room is sunken) to the landing. Dear Lord.

We have somewhat done some babyproofing (okay, all I've done is insert those plastic thingys in the outlets), and have tons more to do. I have a glass-front hutch. Hardwood floors. Cupboards that need to be babyproofed. A whole new world is about to descend upon us. I think I'll be lucky to post on this blog once he starts crawling and walking!

On the flip side, it is SO fun to see him growing up (although I'm grieving the fact that he is no longer a newborn. They grow up way too fast!) and maturing. Elijah is particularly strong and has been from the very beginning. He was already standing and bearing weight on his legs at as young as 1-1/2-2 months old. He's been consistently in the 90-95th percentile range since birth and just love how sturdy and big he is!

He's lost nearly all of his dark brown baby hair and light brown/blonde hair has grown in. He most definitely has Gabe's hairline, and hopefully will be as lush and thick as Gabe's hair, since mine is quite fine. So far so good. His eyelashes are insanely, and I mean INSANELY lush and long, which accent his eyes that are pools of blue.

He also has six teeth now (or should I say already?) -- the bottom two and four front teeth. It seems we are in between teething for now, for which I am grateful, since he was biting me for awhile. He started solids just after turning 7 months old and has had banana, cherries, flaxseed, sweet potatoes, avocados and egg yolk. I think his favorite is cherries.

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