Friday, July 23, 2010

Pre-baby blog: Part 1 of 3

I had a pregnancy blog over at, but I didn't use it very much and is no longer there, since I didn't want to pay monthly for it. It's a great site though, for chronicling your pregnancy and life of your child. I created three postings and thought I would include them in this blog. Happy reading!

August 22, 2009

Journaling.....I'm starting late in the game (6 1/2 months pregnant now), but better late than never, right? I always hoped and dreamed of being pregnant and having a child and I am still pinching myself to see if it's for real. I almost can't believe it!

Yet the proof is in the pudding, or should I say, the bun is in the oven....there's no denying my ever-expanding belly every time I look in the mirror or feel my belly brush up against something. Or feel every kick and movement the baby makes. I am loving every minute of this God-given miracle.

How did we find out? The month we conceived (March), we were in San Francisco and the Bay area for modeling and visiting family. When we came home, I was expecting to start my period only to find myself a day late. Now, for a lot of women a day late is not a huge deal but for me, because I am like clockwork, I knew something was up.

Gabe was working hard at home and was in his zone - where you just do not disturb him - so I went down to the store to buy a pregnancy test. I really didn't think I'd see a positive sign.....and lo and behold, there was a *faint* plus sign. I distinctly remember my jaw dropping. I was like, "No way.....Really? REALLY????". I was beyond excited, but also containing it because I wanted to get another test done, just to be sure. I went into Gabe's office to give him a kiss on the cheek to see what mood he was in but he barely responded to the kiss so I knew it was the wrong time. I had to leave thereafter for LA to go to a casting, so I decided that I would buy another test up there and test again. Sure enough, the second test showed the positive sign.

By now, you think, I would have told Gabe, right? Nope. I came home from LA and he was still in his "Do not disturb" mode. I really wanted to wait until I had his full attention plus it bought me time to think about how I wanted to tell him. We even went to sleep that night without me telling him. Finally, the next morning, we were having pillow talk, waking up, and that's when I decided to tell him.....he was soooo excited and also in disbelief! It was such a special time for us as we went about our day stealing glances at each other and giving those knowing smiles to each other.

Knowing that we're expecting a child has definitely added another dynamic to our relationship and has strengthened our bond and marriage in a way that I never even dreamed of. I feel like we are on our honeymoon again!

So far the pregnancy has been a breeze for me. I have found myself to be in the minority group of women that's had a very easy pregnancy. I never had an iota of morning sickness - no nausea, no throwing up and no weird cravings. My hormones have been on an even keel, so I feel like my old self -- only pregnant! There have been some minor dietary changes, but it's all been for the better.

In spite of the ease of the pregnancy so far, my biggest physical challenge and source of stress at times are my blood sugars. I am a Type 1 diabetic, so it is my job to stay on top of having excellent control of my blood sugars. It hasn't always been easy and I've had some rollercoaster days, but my overall average is great and continues to go down (which is good!). Having good control drastically decreases any chances of complications in the pregnancy and birthing and increases my chances of having just as normal of a delivery as a non-diabetic woman, so that's my goal!

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